A Unix timestamp is a numeric representation of a specific time, measured as the number of seconds that have passed since January , at :: UTC. Unix timestamps are widely used in computer systems because they are easy to work with and can be easily compared, sorted, and managed. They are also independent of time zones, meaning they provide a standardized representation of time that can be used in different geographic regions.
So... when you check the time, you're showing Working with dates in PHP I've written before America Cell Phone Number List about how to programmatically specify a year for your copyright declaration so you don't have to update it every year. There's a ton more you can do with dates. Here are some examples: Display date as -- : $current_date = date("Y-m-d"); echo $current_date; Display date as timestamp : $timestamp = strtotime echo $timestamp; Display date and time formatted in UTC instead of local time zone.
utc_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); echo $utc_date; Display the current Unix timestamp as : $current_timestamp = time(); echo $current_timestamp; Set the default time zone to Los Angeles and then specify the date and time as -- :: : date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); echo $date; Organize PHP date format symbols into logical groups, each group in alphabetical order and format symbols as sub-markers: